Thursday, November 13, 2008

New to the SPRINGS!

I have recently moved to the beautiful and COLORFUL COLORADO!  Colorado Springs to be exact.  It's nice here, it has a feel kinda like Austin Texas.... :( .... The feel is somewhat like Austin but smaller scale for sure.  It lacks a few things such as graffiti, hustle and bustle of the city and the weather.  Its nice that it is NOT as hot as Austin or San Antonio or Dallas is taking time to get use to.  i will explain more later and post up some more pics of this nice looking place....

I am starting this BLOG to get a group of heads together to ride with around these parts.  Its not Denver that for sure but I know there are a few folks that would like to ride.  I am not a tri-athlete or trying to be the next Lance Armstrong or anything like that I just want a community to be a part of that has same interests and likes as I do.....

HOLLA @ me and let's ride!

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